Tuesday, September 2, 2008

school trip

hi ppl who are reading this (: sorry about the light font (: oh and anyway. going to talk about the HSBC tree top walk. first we take the bus (: i sat with dacie (: oh and i got 3 new songs on mii fone courtsey of danica, sarah and.... joanne (: first part of the walk i lagged behind with dacie completely PUFFED OUT (: then second part when we recharged with food like mami(dacie), prawn crackers(danica) and more sweets(can't rmb who) and apples (mine) which were like yum then me and dacie suddenly become first with joanne and danica and sarah (: then mr. neo keep asking us tuhh stop then we never move(: hahas. oh and then....we saw nonkeys and icky stuff (: lol (: it peed (: sorry can't post any fotos (YET!) (: but will upload soon (: lols sorry now gotta let my sista do her i learn



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