Friday, August 22, 2008


exams are KILLING me. they stress me out. seriously. lols........... i am so damn FREAKING bored! lol. i saw min yi's blog. so lame . he keep saying that i am a siao cha bo when i am so not. or maybe i am. or not, or am. and it is so not true i laugh at EVERYTHING he says. he toks lamely. oh and guess what??? i think almost EVERYONE saw the pic on glenn's blog! the retarded brandon??? one. lols. he looks so weird?!!!! everyone say he like me. well i dun. he's lame. EVERYONES lame. lols except the gurls. staying rawkers and dun turn lame gurls! (: oh and i got back my english results. super lan. dun tell u all. ask me in sch or something. i hate my blogskin now. i mean like okokokokokok only. and i got *youknowwadd* today. wuite okish.... not as bad as i expected.... dun wish to tell anyone except those who went with me. hahas. but i think alot of ppl go b4.....

totally un-xiaochabo,



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