Friday, August 1, 2008


hellohs. the injection was like not pain at alls! but the after-effects are like killing me right now so i can't even type propely at all!!! lols...armanda need to lent my sis min.6 adventure box!!! haha. i am watching spongebob movie now... so nice and amit and spongebob keep saying in your face!!! hahas. and then in our group amit will say in your face then min yi will say sucka and i will say not funny and armanda will laugh!!! that is the funniest routine EVER!!! oh and 2day in pe i was trying to jump the standing broad jump and then i jump la, then i jumped like 140?? then kevin said that he can jump 2m over then i dun beleive then he jump lehs!!! like 220cm. cant beleive it!!! that is like impossible!!! i thought only super fit ppl like mr.faizal can jump that high and far!!! :( how insulting. lol i am so bored with a capital B and i got nothing to do. no one on MSN, oh yeah, i can play.........nothing?? oh shucks. well bye!

bored to death,


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