Friday, August 8, 2008

new URL

hi, meking the font larger cecuz my cousin (gi jie) say that it is very difficult to read and actually i agree with her because i find it hard to read also. But most of the time i don't even READ my blog. just post and post and post. oh and 2day wad the er.......... NATONAL DAY SCH CELEBRATION! it was boring except that we get to usher there old ppl around and serve food to them... that was ok. and then i went library and i saw SEIKA! lol she said hi i said hi and that was that. lols. i am now watching spongebob movie. super funny! oh and yesterday i went to watch the high school musical ice tour. it was quite nice. ice skating is so graceful! but when the show end tat time like all the ice going to melt liaO lol...



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