Sunday, August 31, 2008

new computer!

yipee! i got a new computer(: yesterday my whole family went to go and buy and we bought : camara, video camara and laptop(mine!) but daddy onli give me the laptop ): but i still LOVE it! but can't tok on MSN until i import all the contacts... and i love it! even i just log on do work also fun (:lols. do youknow my JDG grp has been selected to perform for the childaid and the prime minister is coming?!!! but not comfirm yet. cause we onli got through the first audition (: the second one is this sunday... armanda party saturday so...... whew! (: can go armanda! comfirm.... but onli like 4 3 or 4 hours. zhenqi coming what time?? sorry for those who think theese questions are stupid. oh and i wish to thanks everyone who took the poll even though you put booooring. super thanks for thoose who put love it tuhh death! (: appreciate it alot. kaishyan's blog is i THINK but check mt tagbox for her name and click it if you really want to know, her poem about teachers day is SO DAMN FREAKING good! LOVE IT (: hahas, sorry to embarass you kai shyan (: hahas. bored tuhh death today. but love the computer! (:



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