Thursday, June 12, 2008

new blogskin (again)

now i can't use the other kind of pinkish colour because it's so bORING with the skin colour. DAMN IT. so angry. but can't find any other nicer blogskin. i guess i just got tired of my old blogskin. please bear with me for a while b4 i update it (: lols. i sould like mrs. chew or ms. kuar. lols (: my cousin michael is sitting beside me nOW and reading EVERY SINGLE WORD i type. annoying piggy (: lols. NO OFFENCE. now he's trying to wipe that part of .lols. today have math tution again. asked my math tutor how to do some school work. so exciting because next week i can go kayaking with the prefects ah......................BLISS. okies (: GTG see ya!



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