Friday, May 9, 2008

next 2 her???!!!!

bah... guess what?!!! now i am next to alifiyah. but no offence i just hate you. kind off. blah!!! i am NEXT to her in the links for pearlyn's blog!!! NOOOOO!!! well... at least i'm in front. no offence to anyone who feels its an offence. lol i like so hate EVERY blogskin that i have!!! i always want to change and change and change!!! and soooooo little ppl come on my blog!!! this is so depressing... so SUPER sorry pearlyn... i dun mean u (: so sorry for the light colour... because of the background of my black blog i mean black cum pink blog (: lol sorry i keep blogging so short... hope it interests you to read this (: bye!!!



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