Friday, April 18, 2008

cool webby

hehe... please tag on my tagbox to say what 1950's name you have! i am connie betty(: lol... does it mean i con ppl?? the link is it's so cool!!! there are just lotsa quizes and stuff and the best thing is you are supposed toput it on your blog!!! i found it when searching for quizes on youtube... lol when it says what would you be when you grow up... mine says :

You're very organized, motivated, and methodical. Fair and objective, you can see all sides of a conflict. You are a good mediator.You are task oriented. You do well with deadlines and schedules.And while you can be a task master at times, you're good at managing people and listening to their input.You do best when you:- Must have attention to detail- Are in charge of peopleYou would also be a good accountant or personal assistant.

i put it in red so you would notice it (: okies... GTG sleep... will not be posting 4 some time... but please tag... will reply ASAP One (:



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