Friday, April 18, 2008

new counter thingy..

i really dun know why now adays i feel so irritated with EVERYTHING!!! it's just so stupid, sickening and styff!!! i just dun know why i feel so.... FUSTRATED!!! haha stay away... i'm goona BLOW... lol anyway armanda's blog is the SAME as mine!!! just the background part... and i dun mind.. just a little. ok i mind quite alot... but she doesn't have to change it... maybe i willl change again... it takes so long just to change a blogskin!!! t takes like 1 hour? 2 hours?? atleast 2 morrows the weekend... maybe will go through some of the math's answers wth sarah (: -_- yayye. no need to damage my brain so much... sorry i use this coloue if some of you cannot see.. i thought about using the pyzam blogskin but it;s like so mah fan to change EVERYTHING again!!! and i have to put in the quiz... counter and so many stuff that sometimes i just feel like deleting my whole stupid blog!!! one time i wrote in whotme... lol nobody could see anything... so a editted it and changed it..sorry zhen qi AND shai-ann!!! for... i dun know what... and yayye me. i get to sit near armanda!!! ms kuah changed our seats rite now i am diagonal her... zhen qi jie so poor thing... sorry zhen qi jie... p5 camp coming!!! (after the exams) working hard on the exams ALEADY!!! yayye me get good marks!!! i dun know why i like to say yayye me??

yayye me,


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