Thursday, May 29, 2008

sushi go round

you know the game in the last post? just asking what day you can play until! FYI i can play until day 4. it is super super FUN!!! i dunno why i like it so much... lols. oh and if you read this , armanda, er.... you must log into your ilearn and do the quizees!!! ms kuah say onehor. not me. and you must log in in the time so that ms kuah can take your attendance and stuff... my math very lousy leh... i got 60% for the quiz one. oh and do anybody know this game called putty face?? i uploaded my sis and my mom but my mom made me delete the one with her but i think can show the one of my sis. but will not show it now... later then show u all.... okies GTG!!! bye!!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


this is kinda boring but cool (: know what? you just type in the persons name that you hate and then it will do some kinda poll thing (: linky is thisn oh and my mr.un-emo link is will put it at the links also!!! tata
now i kinda wish that school wasn't over! sure you get to play more but in long term it gets soooooooooo boring!!! like today. even playing the conmputer and surfing the net isn't much help to my bordem level which is currently 99.9%... lols. (: you know today school was equally BORING. well without zhenqi i suppose EVERYTHING seems BORING. can somebody help me think of what to do? the tv is out of the question and i am ALREADY playing the computer!!! :(:( i hope zhenqi comes back soon. you know my blog is like so totally dead. hope more ppl come soon.... even the spammers are more then less welcome to my blog. i can't believe that i still have so little ppl!!! does anybody think i should take away the hit counter thing? i think i will replace it since i can't really see anything right now withthe present colour tat it has. you know shai-ann's friend's friend has this friends blog that you have to click on alot of stuff just to get in? and then the hit counter says : the survivors :) lol that is soooo funny and he/she doesn't even have any like posts! there is just alot of tagbox and then you have to go and read everysingle one to find out and there are like so many different kinds of tagbox's! lols... well going to read more blogs now... seey a:)



Sunday, May 25, 2008

i miss zhenqi :(

oh man i miss zhen qi so much!! and she has only been gone for like a few minutes or 10 minutes :( so super sad..... i hope zhenqi comes soon then i can say bye bye to her and give her a BIG jie hug :(:(:( iu really super hope she comes soon!!! :(:( will miss her lots ! :)



Saturday, May 24, 2008

nobody coming :(

yo ppl :) that was so big and this is so small :) blog is like totally DEAD...(whoops!) except for the stupid annoymous and stufff :( HATE them.... yeah bla bla.... who cares what you say la... so annoying sia.... oh yah tomolo going armanda's house go buffet :) wateva... and taking shai-ann's car a movie wth her first:) at safra??? can't rmb :) oh and if anyone knows how to pt the links at the thing where you click and then the links come out then please please tell me :) it looks very ugly if you have little place and then so many links or what. and oh yeah the throwing of the paper in the bag thing.armanda, i hold no grudges :) and then I ADMIT IT I TRHREW PAPER IN SOMEONES bag ( i think yinci ) oh in case you didn'ty noticed i wroteon the paper SORRY ABOUT THIS!!! and anyway i could'nt find the stupid dustbin ok?!!! bla bla what go and say me :( not assive i perpously one hor. COULDNT FIND THE DUSTBIN. can't you understand that simple 4 words!!! urgh... so what leh. those who accuse me :( (no offence armanda! ) oh and please tag :) even if u are the spammers :) need more ppl :) write your real name leh. i wanna see who u r :) not encouraging u though :( oh BTW there is problems with the links :( look at the url bar and then then will have the ady behind my blog addy so then you just erase the front part and it will direct you to the correct blog to :) sorry for the inconvinience :)


Monday, May 19, 2008

speed test:)

hey :) you know the typing speedtest thing??? my record was soo ok but my lousiest was 37 and my highest was 63 but that was also so LAME actually.... you know the emo-love thing??? i deleted the cbox because got SOME people go and spam the thing :( so evil :( anyway.... guess where i am again?!!! in the com lab!!! we have been doing thins like for the 2nd week!!! that is soooooo good of he lao shi!!!! now i like her already.... you know what?? the blogger made armanda's blog go like WHACK?!!!! oh so bitchy :) lol okies .... BYE!!!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

new blog (again???)

helloo! i have a new blog... but i will be using both... just check the other one occasionally its..... the skin is kind of belch... lol i dunno why i can't find any decent skins nowadays!!! oh and does anyone know what happend to armanda's blog??? blogger REAlLY went WHACK this time!!! oh and let me know if my appartly BORING talk is BORING my fellow readers as my sis says...lolly... okiessorry amanda forgot to link you again... dos anyone know how to put the click for links thing??? i have too many and its clogging up the whole blog thing!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

adele :)

new blog (again???)

hello :)

stupid blogger

stupid blogger go die la i wanted to post this long detailed of the record challenge and guess whatthe stupid blogger suddenly goes whack on me nd i can't use any speciel signs like fullstop and exclamation mark (exclamation) how stupid can this blogger get (question mark) okies


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

poor shai-ann

do u know that actually shai-ann is so poor thing because me and armanda and zhen qi are in the computer lab but she is outside?!!! so sad...oh oh... he lao shi is offing the computer!!! bye!!!! oh and i just found out from blogthings that i am 24% evil... oh no!!!!


Monday, May 12, 2008

at school :)

do u know that i think i am going to be BANNED from the computer?!!! because hor... i got very LOUSY for the exams!!!! i don't know what i did wrong... i studid, i did everything that needs to be done but i stilll got 54/100 for maths!!! i still can't beleive it when i say that!!! oh and BTW i am in the school computer lab now!!! actually i am supposed to be doing that work but.............. you know.... you know yesterday there was no school?!!! yayye us!!! oh and my marks aere english: 69upon95!!! and the highest is 73... :( so sad... somemore so long i have never been the highest alredy... :( ohwell... i need to go now


new game

:( so super depressed.... you know actually i bought this new game at popular and guess what?? i think it has a bug or something because i bought this other game and then it worked FINE... stupid popular... does anyody know if they have a return thing?? cause i feel like KILLING the stupid popular or producer that did it... lol :( so sad sia... oh yeah... stop telling me to link u... one time is FINE i'm not blind or something!!! er.... i think it's working... lol sorry popular and producer!!! LOL okies!!! oh n remember to er... add me on msn pearlyn!!! :)


Friday, May 9, 2008

next 2 her???!!!!

bah... guess what?!!! now i am next to alifiyah. but no offence i just hate you. kind off. blah!!! i am NEXT to her in the links for pearlyn's blog!!! NOOOOO!!! well... at least i'm in front. no offence to anyone who feels its an offence. lol i like so hate EVERY blogskin that i have!!! i always want to change and change and change!!! and soooooo little ppl come on my blog!!! this is so depressing... so SUPER sorry pearlyn... i dun mean u (: so sorry for the light colour... because of the background of my black blog i mean black cum pink blog (: lol sorry i keep blogging so short... hope it interests you to read this (: bye!!!


Thursday, May 8, 2008

new blogskin!!!

LOOKIE! sry so short bye!!!