Saturday, May 24, 2008

nobody coming :(

yo ppl :) that was so big and this is so small :) blog is like totally DEAD...(whoops!) except for the stupid annoymous and stufff :( HATE them.... yeah bla bla.... who cares what you say la... so annoying sia.... oh yah tomolo going armanda's house go buffet :) wateva... and taking shai-ann's car a movie wth her first:) at safra??? can't rmb :) oh and if anyone knows how to pt the links at the thing where you click and then the links come out then please please tell me :) it looks very ugly if you have little place and then so many links or what. and oh yeah the throwing of the paper in the bag thing.armanda, i hold no grudges :) and then I ADMIT IT I TRHREW PAPER IN SOMEONES bag ( i think yinci ) oh in case you didn'ty noticed i wroteon the paper SORRY ABOUT THIS!!! and anyway i could'nt find the stupid dustbin ok?!!! bla bla what go and say me :( not assive i perpously one hor. COULDNT FIND THE DUSTBIN. can't you understand that simple 4 words!!! urgh... so what leh. those who accuse me :( (no offence armanda! ) oh and please tag :) even if u are the spammers :) need more ppl :) write your real name leh. i wanna see who u r :) not encouraging u though :( oh BTW there is problems with the links :( look at the url bar and then then will have the ady behind my blog addy so then you just erase the front part and it will direct you to the correct blog to :) sorry for the inconvinience :)



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