Thursday, March 27, 2008

new pet!! :):)

i have a new pet!!! not really... actually a new virtual pet!! lol anyway it is so cute! guess wat--i dun know how to feed it! -_- lol i am so stupid!!! anyway now i am so tired! i waited for soooo long to play the computer and blog! i can't affored the time to be like all the others who have blogs can post everyday. maybe i will just try to keep everyone updated asap. sarah, can u link me please?? and PLEASE TAG EVERYONE. how do we like make new things on our blogs?? i think i have enough stuff but i want my blog to be more interesting so ppl will not think" this is so lame and boring" actually i think noby reads my posts!! :( so sad. sometimes if the posts is very long and i know the posts is kind of boring then i will skip it. anyway shai-ann's blog is very long but little posts. i had my blog quite long ago. last time it was a blogger blogskin. v. boring. anyway it was green. it honestly looked like it was groing moss :):) lol. i tried to change the skin but i didn't know that you had to change it to the old template thing



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