Thursday, March 20, 2008

stupid people

you know there is this few ppl who keep tagging on shai-ann's blog that keep posting stupid stuff? and then why is their business??!!i am trying very hard to not say any bad words since i am a prefect -_- i sound so lame. anyway. they are so stupid!! and if you want to look at the stupid things that they said look and shai-ann's blog. anyway she changed her blogskin. you know alot off ppl say i never blog :( so sad . evil ppl. dunno that i got no time meh. stupid. anyway i do not mean you zhen qi ! and sorry i said that anyway ryan teo's blog is i don't think i am supposed to say this but sorry ryan anyway. sorry sorry sorry! i don't know why i keep saying anyway!! anyway... opps! not supposed to say that. i know this is very boring looking and me keep sayinh anyway but that is just my "favourite word" look at the stat counter thing on my blog now!


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