Tuesday, February 12, 2008


i am in school now!!!! i am actually supposed to be doing my chinese but it is so boring... just show the same words over and over again... so very dumb...and i don't like chibnese... so sad shai-ann is changing to normal chinese!!!! and if she does that, i won't see her anymore!!! i hope her mother won't do that!!! actually it's not her decision anyway... cause anyway her mother also won't allow her to NOT change. i really really hoope that she will not change!!! and sorry i have to post so short cause if not my teacher will come and scold me!!!! but may be i still can have a little bit more time to type... you know my chinese teacher is sooo unqualified to teach!!! she want to scold also she aslso dunno how to scold also... aiyo... okay, zhen qi wants to blog... so see you!!! :):):)



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