Sunday, March 9, 2008

new blogskin

HI!!! it has been such an exciting day. firstly, i got my blogskin and my tagboard. secondly, i LOVE my new blogskin and stuff... and now i just need to figure out why my blog says when it is supposed to say am only writing in this colour cause' my blog can't really see the colour blue and pink. and red too ( i gues) and yesterday i went to zhen qi 's house!! i grazed my knee slightly but it is ok... and i kind off got lost with armanda in the carpark cause we didn't see any signboards and we were just like where?!!! good thing we saw zhen qi's father and we managed to get out-- alive -_- lol... we were like where to go where to go?!!! and then when i tried to cycle armanda we almost FELL of the whole bicycle altogether! and it was so embarassing lagging behind and making The WHOLE WORLD wait for us!!! just wondering what happened to like Eleen's blog?? it has dissapeered! all thanks to jocelyn that i got this wonderful blog... thoinking if i should change my skin again since now i know how to. will upload some pics of us. i got it in my hp. NO HACKING my blogger account or u will be DEAD be for you can say ahhhh.... lol just kidding. don't try anything funny. NO SPAMMING or anything!!! and sorry now i have to go let my spoilded sis play the computer cause she is complaining to my mother NOW

see ya!


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