Tuesday, September 16, 2008

simple & sweet blog (:

this will be a short and sweet one (: no complicated stuff here (: but please leave a sweet tag (: will create a seperate cbox for the not so good comments soon (: can't wait (: plus i am banned from the computer until exams r over (:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

no tagbox yet

hi ppl (: sorry there will be no tagbox yet (:

Monday, September 8, 2008

choose your school

School Information Service

choose school here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

conversation with zhen qi-jie (:

adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
are you here??
adele(: says:

You have just sent a nudge.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
here \
adele(: says:
(: haha
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
sorry about the late replys cause i am doing ilearnnn
adele(: says:
i am going to post this...
adele(: says:
will you??
adele(: says:
oops i thought you say you are ready??
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
er.... yeah
adele(: says:
(: (: (:
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
but start from w
adele(: says:
(: what ok
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
cause just w i wasn;t concentrationg
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
hi zhen qi (:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
hellohs adele
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
(: lols
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
this is so weird
adele(: says:
i love this pokemon background (:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
wadd about i try to post tuhh?
adele(: says:
but i will change
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
i change the background w!
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
start from NOW!
adele(: sends:

You have asked to share this background with zHeNqI iS hErE(:.

The transfer of the shared background is complete.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
hellohs adele(:
adele(: says:
hi zhen qi (:

adele(: says:
this is so weirdo
adele(: says:
oops ! never mind i am just poing to post the whole entier thing NOW !

You have just sent a nudge.

adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
can i post tuhh?
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
start from the begining ok?
adele(: says:
that is what i am going to do
adele(: says:
adele(: says:

You have just sent a nudge.

that was me and zhen qi's conversation (: check out what is her side of view on her blog at www.miserymemories.blogspot.com (:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


muaks (:

school trip

hi ppl who are reading this (: sorry about the light font (: oh and anyway. going to talk about the HSBC tree top walk. first we take the bus (: i sat with dacie (: oh and i got 3 new songs on mii fone courtsey of danica, sarah and.... joanne (: first part of the walk i lagged behind with dacie completely PUFFED OUT (: then second part when we recharged with food like mami(dacie), prawn crackers(danica) and more sweets(can't rmb who) and apples (mine) which were like yum then me and dacie suddenly become first with joanne and danica and sarah (: then mr. neo keep asking us tuhh stop then we never move(: hahas. oh and then....we saw nonkeys and icky stuff (: lol (: it peed (: sorry can't post any fotos (YET!) (: but will upload soon (: lols sorry now gotta let my sista do her i learn


Monday, September 1, 2008

too much posts!!

i suddenly feel so overwhelmed by all my posting (: lols. oh and pls ask the nagic ball any questions you want! (: sorry for all the short ugly posts surronding my blog. just want to say that PYZAM RAWKS! i lurve it so much (: BTW the dancers so IT is soo not the SICK IT (: Lols (: bye bye!

8 ball sees all.....

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" >

Sunday, August 31, 2008

dancers do it better

new computer!

yipee! i got a new computer(: yesterday my whole family went to go and buy and we bought : camara, video camara and laptop(mine!) but daddy onli give me the laptop ): but i still LOVE it! but can't tok on MSN until i import all the contacts... and i love it! even i just log on do work also fun (:lols. do youknow my JDG grp has been selected to perform for the childaid and the prime minister is coming?!!! but not comfirm yet. cause we onli got through the first audition (: the second one is this sunday... armanda party saturday so...... whew! (: can go armanda! comfirm.... but onli like 4 3 or 4 hours. zhenqi coming what time?? sorry for those who think theese questions are stupid. oh and i wish to thanks everyone who took the poll even though you put booooring. super thanks for thoose who put love it tuhh death! (: appreciate it alot. kaishyan's blog is www.deathly-note.blogspot.com i THINK but check mt tagbox for her name and click it if you really want to know, her poem about teachers day is SO DAMN FREAKING good! LOVE IT (: hahas, sorry to embarass you kai shyan (: hahas. bored tuhh death today. but love the computer! (:


Friday, August 29, 2008


posting4 funn (: banned min yi(: danced(: looked weird(: hate tuhh blog (: sound supid(: just goona make all this lame stuff (: haha(: pls take the poll (: i love smilies(: going tuhh play(: computer games(: like insaniquarium (: lame (: budd i love it (:


wadd do euu think of mii blog (: please take ppl !

what do you think of my blog?
pollcode.com free polls

Friday, August 22, 2008


exams are KILLING me. they stress me out. seriously. lols........... i am so damn FREAKING bored! lol. i saw min yi's blog. so lame . he keep saying that i am a siao cha bo when i am so not. or maybe i am. or not, or am. and it is so not true i laugh at EVERYTHING he says. he toks lamely. oh and guess what??? i think almost EVERYONE saw the pic on glenn's blog! the retarded brandon??? one. lols. he looks so weird?!!!! everyone say he like me. well i dun. he's lame. EVERYONES lame. lols except the gurls. staying rawkers and dun turn lame gurls! (: oh and i got back my english results. super lan. dun tell u all. ask me in sch or something. i hate my blogskin now. i mean like okokokokokok only. and i got *youknowwadd* today. wuite okish.... not as bad as i expected.... dun wish to tell anyone except those who went with me. hahas. but i think alot of ppl go b4.....

totally un-xiaochabo,


Friday, August 8, 2008

new URL

hi, meking the font larger cecuz my cousin (gi jie) say that it is very difficult to read and actually i agree with her because i find it hard to read also. But most of the time i don't even READ my blog. just post and post and post. oh and 2day wad the er.......... NATONAL DAY SCH CELEBRATION! it was boring except that we get to usher there old ppl around and serve food to them... that was ok. and then i went library and i saw SEIKA! lol she said hi i said hi and that was that. lols. i am now watching spongebob movie. super funny! oh and yesterday i went to watch the high school musical ice tour. it was quite nice. ice skating is so graceful! but when the show end tat time like all the ice going to melt liaO lol...


Friday, August 1, 2008

my sis new blog!

heys, helped my sis get a new blog! it is www.janellelovesspongebob.blogspot.com super lol and go and see it ok?? thanks guys. helped her get a cbox also! please tag or she will be very sad...


hellohs. the injection was like not pain at alls! but the after-effects are like killing me right now so i can't even type propely at all!!! lols...armanda need to lent my sis min.6 adventure box!!! haha. i am watching spongebob movie now... so nice and amit and spongebob keep saying in your face!!! hahas. and then in our group amit will say in your face then min yi will say sucka and i will say not funny and armanda will laugh!!! that is the funniest routine EVER!!! oh and 2day in pe i was trying to jump the standing broad jump and then i jump la, then i jumped like 140?? then kevin said that he can jump 2m over then i dun beleive then he jump lehs!!! like 220cm. cant beleive it!!! that is like impossible!!! i thought only super fit ppl like mr.faizal can jump that high and far!!! :( how insulting. lol i am so bored with a capital B and i got nothing to do. no one on MSN, oh yeah, i can play.........nothing?? oh shucks. well bye!

bored to death,

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

new bloggyskin

hellohs eveyone reading this... i m so damn scared of the injection 2moro! jolie says not pain. nicole says not pain. but i just feel so scared that i cannot ta han but they can!!! lol. oh anyway the new blogskin sucks rite? because the other one 2 depressing. no offence though! to sarah i mean. oh and do you know that zhen qi beat me for the maths??? SADD.... oh yeah and 2day when i coming c\back frm skool i saw kevin, jennifer and tis kind of fat guy sitting in the detention rm... then i wave 2 jennifer and she wave back... HI!!! hahas. i am so mad. oh the new skin SUCKS But i like the mouse. oh and i can't beleive tat the annoymous in zhen qi's blog is sarah!!!! but i am still her fren and zhen qi's fren. i am so tired of blogging, making my blog nicer and stuff!!! last time my blog was so plain and i try to make it nicer and guess wat? its even more plain.... hahas... lol. i scared my mom scold leh.,...cause i go shai-ann's house so long to blog... anyway she is here doing her work!!! hahas. and she is telling me something about skool


Monday, July 21, 2008


sheesh... i know everyone hates the skin... will change soon...

Thursday, July 10, 2008


know this sucks.... but hECk larrhs. lame skins alll around. can't find anything.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

what my name means (:

What Adele Means
A is for Amazing

D is for Daredevil

E is for Expressive

L is for Loud

E is for Emotional