Thursday, December 13, 2007

shai-ann's NEW blog

hola, in case u havn't guessed, this green is to indicate that i am jealous okay not JEALOUS envious of shai-ann's BRAND NEW blog i just wished that the old posts could have stayed with it... and does anyone like the new 9o clock show?? quite nice right?? i like the xiao-gu's daughter. ( i forgot what was her name) anyway she's my tution friend anyway so nice character in show nice person. oh BTW you must be wondering where is the shai-ann's blog . the addy is it's the coolest blog ( among my own age friends ) except for jillian. ( the girl in the 9 0 clock show) in case u forgot, xiao-gu's daughter. okies GTG and gotta figure out how to make a blog skin also hahas

the new green-eyed monster,

p.s. i havn't added any smileys and exclamation marks cause the blogger does not allow. anyway i suppose you already know where they are supposed to go... right??


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