Tuesday, December 4, 2007

camper has just come back to HOME!!!

ho ho ho ho ho....i am BACK!!! yeah BACK!!!! the camp was like soooooo fun xia.... plus guess what?? lol my boat capsized!!! oh i mean capsized!!!! lol then since i was wearing the life vest, i floated up and so i climbed up back on the boat and paddled madly back. i mean i was scared but the point is that i got the exp of what to do when your boat capsizes!!!! shai-ann and another instructer called Q.M had to be towed bcak cause they rowed to far appart...my sis cannot go since she was too young but next year probably she can go...but she's actually to young by one year but my mom thinks that they will allow cause only ONE year what... and the 4 hours walk was tirture man torture!!!!!! we walked like so loooooooong and then at 1st we were at the top off the line but then me and shai-ann lagged behind until we were like almost the last to get on the bus!!! and then we were like, this is so ooooooo hot man then luckily when we got back we could have the water games, it's actually like captains ball but it's played in the water!!! and we also played the touch rugbe or whatever and floorball!!! you all should join next year!!! oh and when we were sleeping at night, there was this sec 1 girl called geneva , she was telling this story about this rich grand ma and this grandson, they were very rich but the grandson gambled away all around the casinos and stuff....er... you can ask shai-ann for the story and it was like beconming midnight and she was telling the story. and she was like keeping us in suspence and then she suddenly scared us cause she was like shouting!!! shai-ann was like MOG OMG OMG but i screamed V.loudly and the next day i saw this boy and another guy saying yesterday i heard this person screaming! and then the other boy said, i think it was a girl. then i thought oh yeah it's me then i was so pai seh that i ran away!!!! lol okies see u guys next year!!!! =)

camp "expert"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyheys!!adele!link me yeahs =).www.brokken-heartts-journey.blogspot.com


December 9, 2007 at 6:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay =) link me too! =)

December 13, 2007 at 3:18 AM  

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