Monday, November 19, 2007


i can't believe i'm saying this...i dunno what to do during the holidays!!! hahaha i have been dreaming for this for so long and all i can say is i dunno what i am supposed to do during the holidays! dumb huh?? lol. there is this game called nanny maina and it is so fun! =) you should try it! it's like you erm... nvm i dunno how to explain. and i am going to 5R!!!! yay i reached my goal of going into a high ability class! =) so happy. but so sad shai-ann not going to be same class as me suhita, armanda and zhen qi!!! why are they doing this to me?!!!!!!! what have i done to deserve this?!!! man, i sure can be in the "drama club" lol. anyway need to go play my new found game (nanny maine)
see u !!! =)

signing off,
a 5R gurl... HAHAHAHA



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