Tuesday, September 18, 2007


the stupid MSN ppl stopped me frm signing in!!! and i am writing in red cause erm... i am going to go by my mood to blog already like for example if i am angry i will write in red and if i am sad i will write in blue....so what do you think i sh0uld do?? get a new messager?? or what?? i am so sad!!!( and angry ) if not i woud not even be writing in red!!! :(((((( i wanna kill the stupid MSN!!! i can't believe that vanassa hudgens took nude photo's of herself!!! the press said that she just wanted to keep zac intrested in her go watch youtube if you dun believe that she took the u know what photos!!!!



Blogger adele loves pink! said...

so do you think i should make a new MSN?? or should i just use my yahoo messager?? anyway i have to be going !!! bye!!! and please do not put your name as annoymus!!! or you will spoil the whole point of having a comment box!!! thanks and bye!!!

September 18, 2007 at 2:14 AM  

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