Monday, August 6, 2007


hi everyone!! please comment if you have any NICE songs that you wanna share ok?? and shai ann, please tell me ALL the songs that you think are nice because i know you have EXCELLENT taste n music!!! :):):) and all you gals!! go to youtube and search for "because you live" or "jesse mccartney" and then listen to the song!!! he is so HOT!!!! just INCREDIBLE by the way, i am still sick!!! :( so sad... and i won't be able to get a cbox or what cause the stupid bloody website won't let me create one!!!! so damn unfair!!!!! what a dumb website!!!! and those people who want to add me on MSN this is the e-mail to add me i know that sound s so lame...but i could not think off anything elese!!! i also have a new e-mail by theway... it is i HATE yahoos omethimes cause it is so BOOOORING but i am goona create a new one on hotmail soon... oh yeah! please notifty me if you find any off this words blur or what so that i can change it!!!! this will be another short post compared to the ones i made b4 sorry if you chicks can't understang what i am writing because i admit that i am talking totally OUT OF POINT!!!!! this is my like 7th blog!!!! i deleted all the others and some have not approved by blogger!!!! BOO SUCKS to them for all i care... does anybody elese besides eleen, armanda and shai ann have a handphone?? i want my contact list to b bigger!!!! then when i am bored i have more people to seek help from!!!! LOL okies!!! i have to go now!!!! i am feeling so pissed out with my stupid flu and fever!!!! i want to KILL THEM!!!! idiotic pigs... :):):) okay!!!! really GTG bye!!!
lot's of love,(not to you! to myself!)


Blogger adele loves pink! said...

please comment

August 9, 2007 at 3:36 AM  
Blogger adele loves pink! said...

caution: do not read the next page if you are disgusted by bra's

August 9, 2007 at 5:13 AM  

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