Thursday, August 2, 2007


okay... so dunno how you feel about this but i bet all my friends think it's lame... i am adele by the way and my favourite colour is pink!!! i have created a blog before but it was so rude they deleted it (joking!) LOL i hope you will not mind this simple blog appearence because i have no time to change it and i can't be bothered so you guys will have to make do with the "simple" thing, and by the way i also won't be adding a cbox unless some kind soul will help me fix it up without finding out my password which is quite impossible... :) i love putting smiles!!! it looks so cute!!! and if yu have any friendship problems, just feel FREEE to come to me!!!! but i am just being a busybody and i want to know other peoples problems so i guess you will not want to tell me anything as i have quite a big mouth!!!! :):):) i hope you will find my blog nice but i guess that will not happen in a million years!!!! :):):) but that is okay... okies!!!! this is delicated to shai-ann koh,armanda and zhen qi , my very best friends!!!! and especially to shai-ann and armanda but zhen qi, dun feel sad or i will have a very guilty consience!!!( i think that is the correct spelling although i dobut it very much!!!)

signing off!!!


Blogger adele loves pink! said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 2, 2007 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger Shai-Ann Koh said...

OMG!!! that must have been the longest blog entry you have ever made!! by the way, i am going to make a new blog! and i am going to make sure the thing is very nice. i will make a new website for my blog! please go there any time you can. when you switch on the com, please go to my blog!!! i will go to your blog too! and please try to get a cbox! and what do you mean by not dedicating this blog to zhen qi(chenqi! laughs) or something like that? i hope zhen qi will never read that! and tell me why u seem to hate zhen qi. anyway, thanks for dedicating this blog to me and mandy!!!!!!!!!!

August 3, 2007 at 1:33 AM  
Blogger adele loves pink! said...

hi hi!!! please comment more while i will try to make a cbox or a flashbox which is ultra cute!!!

August 6, 2007 at 8:34 PM  

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