Thursday, August 16, 2007

not supposed to be HERE!!!!!

hi!!! actually i am so NOT supposd to be posting!!! i am supposed to be on this website called LEAD it's for school it's like they give u all this stuff to do online and stuff and my mom's coming so i'll have to go!!!! so sad do you know some ppl go to jail for blogging?? hope that doesn't happen to me and i dun even know WHY they want to jail ppl for that!!!!OH! and if you support hui xian in campus superstar2, please go to my frens has almost ALL her songs and i have asked her to put up more songs(english) like just so you know and stuff i dun really know how she does that!!! (put up songs) i WONDER... can anybody teach me??? please??? i am BEGGING you!!!! and thank goodness there is no school on thurs and fri cause off p6 psle i love that period off time!!!!! i can DUN go to school and stuff and dun do stuff that i normally do!like.....erm... can't think pff anything at the momment but i assure you i will have a long list by the time you read this line!!! :):):) okies i am going!!!

signing off....
adey penguin


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