Thursday, August 9, 2007


hey! did you watch the NDP parade?? i am watching NOW!!!!! YES- this moment that i type!!!! i know i sound like so damn lame... :) LOL i can't believe i am saying that i AM lame!!! OKAY... the NDP is like so GREAT!!!! just that the marina bay is like so SMAAALLLLL it's so TINY!!!!!! like an ant!!!!! :):):) sorry i can't help putting all those exclamation marks and stuff!!!!! sorry!!! this is goona be another short post cause i am so engrossed with the NDP parade!!!! oh! and if u have time, go to my fren, shai-ann's blog!!!! she keeps raving on and on about super hot avril something i can't remb how to spell that so better dun put it incase it turns into a bad word or somethin...okay see you soon and forgot to mention that i saw ARMANDA to day at parkway!!!! and my mom go and say let's go and buy you a U KNOW WHAT!!! i was so DAMN embarrased!!!! I JUST ABOUT DIED WHAEN SHE SAID THAT!!!!! I CAN'T FACE ANYBODY FOR THE REST OF MY STUPID LIFE I THINK...



Blogger The babys said...

wad she buying 4 u???undergarment??lols

August 15, 2007 at 7:34 PM  
Blogger adele loves pink! said...

NO LA IT'S PERSONAL!!!!! ASK ADAMA(rmanda) but i hope she won't tell you~!!!!! i tell her dun tell!!!!! :):):)

August 15, 2007 at 7:36 PM  
Blogger The babys said...

ar!!then??diapers??LOLS!!TEL ME LA ADELY!

August 15, 2007 at 7:38 PM  
Blogger adele loves pink! said...

not diapers!!! i dun even wear diapers!!!!

August 16, 2007 at 9:26 PM  

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